Yerranderie Airfield Pilots’ Guide

The Yerranderie Airstrip runs roughly east west (magnetic) and is in the Melbourne Centre 124.1 communication area. It does not have an allocated CTAF frequency. The C LL is at 8,500′. The step down to 7,500′ and the Sydney 124.55 region is only a few miles to the east. Here is the Google Maps link showing the location.

We have a web page which details the complicated politics surrounding this airfield HERE. If you would like further information you can contact Rob Thompson on 0429 493 828 who has permission to use the Wollondilly Council owned section of the airstrip.

Take a run along the runway in this video….

The area is quite remote and has limited landing options in the event of an engine failure. There are cleared areas to the east around Lake Burragorang and there are quite a few low scrubby hanging swamps which you can get into with a very good chance of being unhurt but highly likely to wipe out your undercarriage. Here is an image of one of the Blue Mountains upland swamps courtesy of the Blue Mountains Conservation Society.